Thursday, 14 January 2016

Music in our film

We decided to create our own sounds and music for our film, using Foley Sound for our sound effects and creating own score for the piece, using Garage Band. 

We created three pieces of music, an opening/closing, theme for the montage of Kevin and Violet getting to know each other and the music that will play during the scene where Kevin is in therapy, discussing his nightmares. 

In the pieces we commonly used guitar, strings, flute and clarinet to create a low and ominous theme, attempting to build tension, and add mysterious elements and themes in the film. 

Piece 1: Opening/Ending Theme

We combined the music for the opening and closing of our film to create a sense of symmetry in the film, making the film seem more complete in the conclusion, however we will add camera clicking sound effects to the theme for the conclusion, representing the celebrity and success Violet achieved at Kevin's expense. 

We used Strings, Flute and and Finger Bass to create a tense theme that will be featured as we focus on Kevin's blood stained clothes and then his fate. 

Piece 2: Psychiatrist's Office

In our second piece we used Strings, clarinet and Bass to create a tense theme, representing Kevin confiding in his psychiatrist, the music in this scene is significant, as we will not feature dialogue, making the music more relevant.

We aimed to created a stressful, tense theme to emphasise the stress Kevin is feeling and make the scene seem more significant.

Piece 3: Romantic Montage

Originally the music we would have used as in montage to show Kevin and Violet getting to know each other, was planned to be light and bubbly to represent the feelings of their early relationship, however this didn't match the conventions or themes of the film noir genre, so we used a saxophone to make the music more tense and foreboding.